Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Sede di Brescia

Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica

“Niccolò Tartaglia”

Via dei Musei, 41 – Brescia




Simulation results for traffic related fine particulate resuspension in urban and

extra-urban streets



Martedì 22 novembre 2011, ore 14.30

Sala Riunioni





Dott. Abramo Agosti

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore











 After a brief introduction to the problem of resuspension as a fundamental contribution to traffic related fine particulate emissions in urban and extra-urban streets, we show our CFD approach to the simulation of the problem, describing details of applied turbulence models, dispersion models and numerical algorithms, and show results on the estimation of resuspension contribution in different traffic flow situations, depending on traffic statistics, road geometry and asphalt characteristics.