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The Surface Science Lab is mainly based on an experimental set-up for photoemission spectroscopy and thin film and multilayer deposition. The Lab has been funded by the Catholic University, the Italian Ministry for Research through national research projects, the INFM institute, and also by private contributions.

The system is composed of three connected chambers operating in UHV. The first analysis chamber is equipped with an hemispherical analyser and a 32-channel detector, a twin anode and a monochromatized X-ray source, a high intensity UPS source, and an LN2-cooled manipulator with five degrees of freedom. The second analysis chamber is equipped with a LEED system and optical windows. The third (deposition) chamber is equipped with e-beam evaporators for single- and multi-layer deposition. The whole system can operate in UHV conditions at a base pressure better than 10-10 mbar.

A second UHV system is now working for ARPES and PED spectroscopy studies. The system is equipped with a VG-SCIENTA R3000 analyser, a twin anodo source, a UV lamp.

The laboratory is also equipped with a RF sputtering system for  thin film deposition and a MOKE apparatus for magneto-optical studies on thin films.

A brief history

June 2000: Lab set-up at the Department new location


September 2000: New evaporator operating 


March 2001: UPS source operating


November 2001: Triple evaporator operating


January 2002: Set-up of the multichannel detector and new power supplies


March 2002: New manipulator 


February 2002: Set up of the monochromatic X-ray source


May 2007: Set up for MOKE spectroscopy on thin films operating


January 2009: New Scienta R3000 spectrometer operating. New UHV chamber for ARPES tested.


May 2010: RF sputtering system operating


January 2011: Commisioning of the testing chamber for gas sensig devices and photoconductivity measurements

Laboratory skills

X-ray and ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy

Epitaxial thin film deposition (e-beam evaporator, RF sputtering)

Photoelectron detector and energy analyser development

Design, development and maintenance of ultra-high vacuum systems

Design, development and maintenance of optical spectroscopy systems


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Site developed by Alessandro Sepe. Comments and suggestions to:                                                                Updated 02-02-11.